Posted on: September 17, 2012
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: Plumbing
Are you concerned about the water quality in your home? If not, perhaps you should be. Chlorine is used to clean and treat household water supplies for contaminants and bacteria to make water safer to drink. However, there are health concerns related to not only drinking chlorinated water, but also bathing in it. It’s recommended that all water coming into the home is filtered to remove as much of the chlorine as possible. Here is a helpful video regarding water quality:
Alan O’Neill, president of Abacus Plumbing & Air Conditioning, has been in the plumbing trade since 1977 and holds a Texas Master Plumbers License. Abacus Plumbing & Air Conditioning also holds the “Preferred Plumber” status and can proudly display the “Tech Seal of Safety”. O’Neill and his team know a thing or two about plumbing! That’s why ‘You Can Count On Us’– the plumbing professionals at Abacus Plumbing & Air Conditioning — seven days a week.
Contact Abacus at 832-554-9951.