Hurricane-Proof Your Home: Why Every Houston Resident Needs a Backup Generator

Posted on: September 25, 2024
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: House Generators

Living in Houston comes with its perks—great food, vibrant culture, and friendly people—but it also comes with a price: hurricanes. If you’ve lived here for any amount of time, you’ve probably experienced the anxiety that hurricane season brings. With unpredictable storms and widespread power outages, you need more than just a flashlight and some canned goods to stay safe and comfortable. That’s where a backup generator comes in handy.

At Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning, and Electrical, we’ve seen firsthand why every Houston resident should consider a backup generator—it can make all the difference when the next hurricane hits.

The Unpredictability of Houston’s Hurricane Season

Houston is no stranger to hurricanes. In fact, the city’s location along the Gulf of Mexico makes it a prime target for tropical storms and hurricanes that can wreak havoc on the power grid. In the last two decades alone, Houston has seen the devastating effects of hurricanes like Harvey, Ike, and Rita, which left hundreds of thousands of residents without power for days—or even weeks.

Here’s what that looks like in real life:

  • Hurricane Harvey (2017): Harvey dumped over 60 inches of rain in some parts of Houston. Over 300,000 people were left without power, and in some cases, power wasn’t restored for weeks.

  • Hurricane Ike (2008): Ike left nearly 2 million Texans without electricity, some for more than 18 days.

  • Hurricane Rita (2005): Though Rita spared Houston from the worst damage, widespread outages still left many residents in the dark.

When hurricanes hit, the demand on the power grid spikes, and outages are inevitable. That’s why being prepared with a backup generator is crucial.

Why Backup Generators Are a Must-Have in Houston

You might be thinking, “Is it really necessary to invest in a backup generator?” The short answer is yes—especially if you live in Houston. Here’s why:

1) Keep Your Essentials Running

When the power goes out, it’s not just the lights that go off. Think about everything in your home that relies on electricity: refrigerators, air conditioning, medical devices, and even communication devices like your phone. A power outage can mean losing access to these critical systems, which could be a major inconvenience at best, or life-threatening at worst.

With a home backup generator, you can keep all your essentials running, even during a prolonged outage. Generators like those from Generac can power everything from your fridge and lights to your HVAC system, ensuring your family stays safe and comfortable.

2) Combat the Heat During Summer Storms

Let’s not forget about Houston’s sweltering heat. In the aftermath of a hurricane, power could be down for days, and without air conditioning, the Texas heat can quickly become unbearable. For the elderly or those with medical conditions, a lack of air conditioning can be dangerous.

Having a backup generator means your air conditioning can keep running even when the rest of the neighborhood is powerless. This could be critical for preventing heat-related illnesses during the summer months.

3) Prevent Costly Food Spoilage

How much is the food in your refrigerator and freezer worth? A power outage can cause everything in your fridge to spoil within a matter of hours. Imagine having to throw out hundreds of dollars worth of food after a power outage. With a home backup generator, your refrigerator and freezer stay powered, keeping your food fresh until the power comes back on.

This alone can save you a significant amount of money, making the investment in a backup generator well worth it.

4) Maintain Security

During hurricanes and widespread power outages, home security systems often fail. No power means no alarms, no security cameras, and no motion-activated lights. For those living in Houston’s more vulnerable areas, this can be a major concern.

A backup generator ensures that your home security system stays operational even during an outage, giving you peace of mind that your home and family are protected.

5) Stay Connected

In today’s world, staying connected is more important than ever. Power outages can cut you off from the outside world, leaving you without a way to charge your phone, use the internet, or contact emergency services. This can be particularly dangerous if roads are flooded and you’re unable to leave your home.

A backup generator keeps your communication devices powered so you can stay connected with loved ones and keep track of emergency updates.

Choosing the Right Backup Generator for Your Houston Home

Now that you know why having a backup generator is so essential in Houston, how do you choose the right one? Here are a few key considerations:

1) Whole-Home vs. Portable Generators

When it comes to backup generators, you have two main options: whole-home standby generators and portable generators.

  • Whole-home generators are permanently installed outside your home and automatically start when the power goes out. These are ideal for powering your entire home, including major appliances like air conditioning units and refrigerators.

  • Portable generators, on the other hand, are less expensive but require manual setup and can typically only power a few essential items at a time. These are great for short-term outages but may not be sufficient for extended periods without power.

In hurricane-prone areas like Houston, a whole-home backup generator is the better investment because it provides uninterrupted power and requires no manual intervention.

2) Fuel Source

Most backup generators run on natural gas, propane, or diesel fuel. In Houston, natural gas is a popular choice because it’s readily available and doesn’t require frequent refueling. Propane is another good option, as it’s clean-burning and can be stored in large tanks on your property.

It’s important to choose a generator that uses a fuel source that’s easily accessible to you, especially during emergency situations.

3) Generator Capacity

Make sure you choose a generator with enough capacity to power your home during an outage. Our professional installers can help you determine how much wattage your home requires and recommend the right size generator. If you have a larger home or rely on electricity for medical devices or critical systems, you’ll need a generator with higher capacity.

Don’t Wait for the Next Hurricane

Houston’s unpredictable weather means that the next hurricane could be just around the corner. Rather than waiting for disaster to strike, take proactive steps to hurricane-proof your home with a backup generator. Not only will it keep your family safe and comfortable, but it can also save you money by preventing food spoilage, keeping your security system running, and reducing potential damage caused by outages.

At Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning, and Electrical, we specialize in helping Houston residents find the right backup generator for their homes. Whether you’re looking for a Generac generator or need assistance with installation and maintenance, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about how you can prepare your home for the next storm.

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